Saturday, February 2, 2008

"2007-2008" Grad Pic (Notre Dame High School)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Meet My Friends (May Kababayan) From Phil

My Friends

HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! Its Cold grrr!!!!!! thats fine as long as were still smiling

The ESL Trip In Civilization Museum

Gloria,Maria,Memo,Khalid,Berni and Kika (we miss them both),Didier,Ruthian, Steven, Me,&Pam

Khalid, Sebastien, Memo,Me,Pam,Berni,Gaby,Kika,Melissa (at the back),Steph,Ruthian, Miss Amie, Lilliana, Sophia,Dave

This Picture we went to Canada's Civilization Musuem